Pizza Ranch Serves

Psalm 91:11

Thursday Thoughts- Interesting Facts About Angels

I still remember when I was a young kid, seeing different pictures of what Angels looked like and descriptions of the different things they did. I didn't have a whole lot of understanding about them. I still don't completely understand them so I looked up some facts about them online.

2 Corinthians 13:7

Tuesday Truth- Honesty

As some of you may know, Pizza Ranch has codes of conduct called The Pizza Ranch Way. These are how we act as we pursue our Vision and Mission. One of these items is to "do the right thing".

John 15:13

Monday Mission- Practice Being a True Friend

A few weeks ago our Leadership Group held our annual strategic planning retreat. Most of this group has been meeting for over 10 years together. We also meet every Friday morning to hold a time accountability with each other. Because of this...

Silhouette of people jumping in front of a sunset

Friday Devotional - The Promise of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is one of the great promises from God to those who believe and follow Jesus. The Holy Spirit can be found mentioned throughout the Bible, but in Acts 2:2-4, we see Jesus’ promise of a helper come true. The Holy Spirit is promised to live in, around, and flow out of us. But there’s more to it….