Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission – Enjoy the lights!

I love Christmas, but sometimes the busyness of the holiday can feel like a distraction from what we’re really celebrating – the birth of Jesus!

Monday Mission - Celebrate Wins

It's important to celebrate small wins, especially in this trying year, but it's also a great way to track incremental achievements and work towards…

Photo of military headstone in graveyard by Forrest Smith on Unsplash

Friday Devotional - The Time In-Between

Guest Devotions shared by Ryan, our Chief Administrative Officer. This past weekend my family visited the gravesite of my Mother-in-Law, and we reflected on the dates on her tombstone. Her birthdate and the date of her death.

Famous photo "Grace" by Eric Enstrom

Friday Devotional - A Thankful Heart

I’ve had a few people express to me recently their desire to feel closer to God. I believe most people long for a closer and more intimate relationship with Christ from time to time. I know I do. The question is, how can we make this happen? How can we feel closer to God? Well, I believe Scripture points to a thankful heart:

Thursday Thought - Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What does today look like for you? For some, it may look pretty normal – the turkey smells delicious, the pumpkin pies are warm out of the oven and family and friends are gathered near while the sounds of chatting and laughter fill the air. The joy and thankfulness are palpable.