Pizza Ranch Serves

Bare tree standing alone in a field with bright sunlight behind it

Friday Devotional - God Is All Around Us

When my family and I first moved to Iowa, I was always in awe of the sky and how big it was. I often felt so close to God when I was outside. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” I feel the same way today as I experience a beautiful sunrise or sunset, when I’m out on a lake, at the ocean, or up in the mountains. Seeing God in nature is powerful.

Monday Mission- Pray for Others

People request prayer for themselves, family members, friends, or acquaintances. Oftentimes it is some sort of physical need of the person such as health,…

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

Thursday Thought - Created to Work

This week our family started a bible reading plan - so straight to Genesis we went. And despite having read this dozens of times before, I learned something new. There are only 2 chapters in the Bible where everything is perfect. Genesis 1-2.

Cross with a person sitting at the foot of the cross

Tuesday Truth - God Wants us to Return to Him

The Bible is filled with stories of people, sinners like you and me, that have turned their backs on or ignored the God who created us. This isn't what God wants,

Hand writing crossing out the word fear on a marker board

Friday Devotional - Fear Not

Fear is real. And, during these crazy times with COVID-19 and rioting, fear has gripped many people. Not to mention the many other things that bring anxiety to life. Fear can be a daily battle for people. What do we do with this? How do we defeat it? Well, let’s talk about what the Bible says about it. Fear is a topic that’s talked about a lot in Scripture.