Wednesday Story of Impact- Nursing Home Appreciation Pizza Parties

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Pizza Ranch partnered this week to put on an appreciation pizza party for employees at 43 nursing homes and long-term care centers this week all across Northwest Iowa. “We wanted to say thank you for the extra effort these dedicated employees put forward in serving their clients and communities this past year during the pandemic,” said Pizza Ranch representative Jon Moss. The appreciation pizza party effort was in partnership with the Iowa Corn Growers Association and Chesterman Coca-Cola Bottling. Iowa Corn arranged the events and delivered the pizza and soda to the employees. In all, Pizza Ranch donated 322 large pizzas while Chesterman Coca-Cola donated 170 12-packs of soda for the pizza parties.