Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional – Love Covers a Multitude of Sins

1 Peter 4:8 “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” You are being watched. Unbelievers watch to see if you are walking the talk, living out the faith; your actions may keep them from Jesus or, by grace, attract them to Jesus. New believers are watching you; your actions […]

Stories of Impact – Iowa City, IA

Last week, the Iowa City Pizza Ranch hosted a Community Impact Night with the Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa. A group of University of Iowa students ran the event and had a great time sharing the mission of the organization, meeting with people and spreading the word of a 5K Run, Rock and Roll fundraiser. […]

Tuesday Truth – Do you know how much God loves you?

Do you know how much God loves you? Jeremiah 31:3 tell us that “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Everlasting love. Unfailing kindness. How amazing to be loved like that by the Creator of the Universe!

Monday Mission – Ever feel like Mondays are a drag?

Ever feel like Mondays are a drag? The weekend is over and it’s back to work, being just so busy, and all that running around that we do each week. What if we all remembered that God has a purpose for our Monday? God created us on purpose and wants us to live on purpose […]

Friday Devotional – I can please God?

Colossians 1:9-14 gives us a great example of how to pray for someone we care about. To pray for anyone. It gives a specific list of how we can pray, in order that we “may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way.”  What a powerful prayer.  What a great […]

Thursday Video

Thursday Video – Amazing Brains

One thing that we tend to take for granted is our bodies.  The Lord has blessed many of us with smart minds and healthy bodies.  Watching the video below makes me thankful for the intelligence and memories that God gives us. Video

Stories of Impact – Fairfield, IA

Last fall, the Pizza Ranch in Fairfield, Iowa decided to make available a portion of their dining room to receive prayer requests and take a moment of time to pray for those in need.  Any guests or team members are free to participate.  General Manager Sarah Hendricks noted that occasionally several of her team will […]

Tuesday Truths – Every Hour

What are you doing in the next hour? How about the hour after that? How about the hour after that? And the hour after that?   We live in a world driven by schedules and calendars.  In whatever it is you need to  do, I encourage you to make these words your proclamation each time […]

Monday Mission – Be the Giver

Maybe today you feel like you need some encouragement and would like somebody to say some kind words to you.  Well, how about instead of waiting for that somebody, be that somebody!  Be that somebody for someone else that you will encounter today needs encouragement.  Be the giver of encouragement instead of waiting for it.