Friday Devotional- Hall of Faith

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Scripture reading: Hebrews 11
When a person visits the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, OH they are greeted with very large signs in the entryway of the museum. The signs talk about how the Hall of Fame is here to celebrate the values of it's members. Values such as integrity and excellence. As a football fan walks through the museum they see the 300+ members of the Hall of Fame in different forms, such as football trading cards, their jerseys and other equipment they used, and a lot of their statistics or their record of achievements.
The Bible has a very similar thing, but I call it the Hall of Faith. It lives in the book of Hebrews, chapter 11. And the first couple verses establish what faith is, just like the entryway to the Pro Football Hall of Fame explain what it's values are. Then in Hebrews chapter 11, it goes on for about forty verses to record more than a dozen people and their achievements of faith. People like Noah, Abraham, Daniel, and Joseph. These are all people any Bible reader knows. They've read their stories before. But nowhere in Scripture do we find THIS many legendary people with THIS many reminders of their faith in one spot. Just like the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
The inspiration of this is to not only be reminded of these great examples of people living by faith in the Bible, but to ponder about who would YOU write down in your personal Hall of Faith? And who would write YOU down in their Hall of Faith? What would they say about your faith, and how have you lived it out?