Monday Mission--Stay Positive

Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission--Stay Positive

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Picture of a yellow smiling face ball hidden within garland

Recently I've been struggling to stay positive due to multiple experiences of negativity going on in my work, life, and the world. If you are like me, sometimes it's helpful to be challenged by lists of alternatives to giving into a negative mindset. So I compiled a quick list of tips that I hope you will find helpful to combat negativity. It is my hope that you can adopt one or more of these tips to help you stay positive this week and become your Monday Mission!

1. Limit exposure to media and social media.

Stay away from hours of scrolling and limit yourself to 30 min. or less per day. Focus on the positive posts and only subscribe or like things that bring your spirit up!

2. Reframe your thoughts.

When we are defeated, it is easy to think negatively. Replace negative thoughts, stories in your head, or feelings with encouraging ones. "My next right step is. . .I can overcome this. . . .It's going to be okay. . .What I'm going to do now is. . ."

3. Identify and seek your passion(s).

Start with making a list of things that bring you joy and then make time for them. Maybe, it's writing, reading, drawing, singing, exercising, cooking, watching the sunset. . Whatever it is, try giving it more focus in your life, or adding something new, even if it's small.

5. Listen to uplifting music or podcasts.

Music can be powerful, as it can help your body relax or power up as needed and bring about positive vibes. There are also 1,000's of positive podcasts out there that can truly bring about a more positive outlook to your day by simply tuning-in!

6. Surround yourself with positive people.

Seek time with the people in your life who are positive and help build you up. For those who do the opposite, limit your time with them and if you feel lead, maybe try to hit them with tip 7!

7. Do something nice for someone.

When you do a good deed for someone else, it not only improves the mood of the person you helped, but it also improves your mood AND the mood of anyone who witnessed the good deed. If you aren't able to be with them physically, write them a letter and share with them what they mean to you and how grateful you are to have them in your life!

8. Get outside and be active.

Now is a great time to be outside in nature, taking in the changing seasons. Feel the sun and enjoy God's creation! There is a reason for the seasons and getting out there to experience them is a way to find this out!

Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash
