Wednesday Story of Impact- Game Plan For Life by Joe Gibbs

Wednesday Story of Impact- Game Plan For Life by Joe Gibbs

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Game Plan for Life 2

Pizza Ranch is proud to partner with Joe Gibbs' nonprofit organization "Game Plan for Life". There are many different ministries that the organization provides, including outreach events such as speaking engagements and golf tournaments, a field minister program that creates ministers behind bars, and Game Plan groups of men across the US who meet bi-weekly to discuss a video series and study. There are also a group of successful athletes, business people, and artists called Not Your Average Joe's who share their testimonials with the world.

At Pizza Ranch, we've specifically partnered with the organization on a breakfast speaking engagement. It is a breakfast for approximately 1,200 people. One of the most important aspects of his outreach breakfast is that we seek to have 80% non-believers to be in attendance, with the other 20% being folks who will follow-up and disciple those who make a decision for Christ. Many attendees have given their lives to Christ for the first time at these events, or they have re-committed to Christ. The most recent partnership with Pizza Ranch and Game Plan for Life happened in 2019 and images from the event can be found here.

Please pray for the organization Game Plan for Life, and also for continued success in the relationship between Pizza Ranch and Game Plan for Life.

You can also donate to Game Plan for Life here, and your generous donations help North Carolina inmates receive a four-year Bachelor of Arts degree in Pastoral Ministry from the College at Southeastern.
