Monday Mission - Bless Others

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

The Pizza Ranch National Conference is this week, and as I was doing my preparation for the various things that I will be involved with, God's still small voice spoke to me and encouraged me to "be a blessing this week"! For me music has always been a way for me to bless others and I am excited to be on the Praise Team this year for the National Conference, whereby, I am hoping that God is able to use my voice to bless those in attendance. For you being a blessing to others may take on a different form or direction. Whatever it is, make it your mission this week to bless others! If you need some ideas, check out the link below full of great ways to be a blessing. I have also linked a song we will be doing this week that I also hope blesses you today and you can use to bless others if you wish!
Photo by James Coleman on Unsplash