Friday Devotional- A New Perspective

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

There’s nothing like traveling outside the U.S. to give someone a new perspective. Recently my family and I flew across the Pacific Ocean to visit our daughter and son-in-law. They are living and working in the country of Indonesia. Wow, what an amazing place it is! The entire trip, I was struck with the vastness and beauty of our world. I was in awe of the Lord and the fact that He’s in charge of it all, He's in it all, and He's asked us to be with him in it.
May we each refresh ourselves in the peace of His presence, no matter where we are. May His peace be our portion at all times and in all circumstances. May we each learn to hide in the secret of His presence as we carry on our duties in this world. He is both with us and in us. He goes before us to open up the way, and He also walks alongside us through it all; the good and the difficult. We could never have another companion as devoted as He. He is our constant companion. He is our burden-bearer. He is to be glorified. May He be lifted up.
Read Psalm 139 anytime you need a “New Perspective” on the vastness of God in your life.
Devotional adapted from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.