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Today's Post


Be Bold in Sharing Jesus

Sometimes we are afraid to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. We don’t want to be judged by others, we don’t want to be told “no”, we are afraid it won’t have any positive impact.

The Storm

Friday Devotional - The Storms

In 1942 there was a book written by C. S. Lewis called, “The Screwtape Letters.” It’s a book that takes the form of letters from a Sr. demon named Screwtape, to his nephew and Jr. tempter, named Wormwood.

Friday Devotional – The Source of Wisdom

When I was young, I met with an older Christian once a week to learn more about what it meant to be a Christian. In other words, he discipled me. We talked about a lot of different truths in the Bible, but also about all the stuff we hear and see in the world. It was so, so good for me. I’d say that the most important thing he taught me was to get in the habit of reading the Bible every day.


Friday Devotional - Possess What's Yours

Possess What’s Yours - Devotion content from “Resilient Hope,” by Christine Caine. Deuteronomy 1:8 8 Look, I am giving all this land to you! Go in and occupy it, for it is the land the Lord swore to give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to all their descendants.’”


Friday Devotional

Devotional by Kate Aberson. Have you noticed how sometimes God provides a quick answer to some prayers and a slow answer to others?

Friday Devotions - Follow Me

John 21: 15-22 shares a beautiful full-circle moment Peter had with Jesus! I often find myself in the same shoes as Peter. Even though God has crafted my life and called me to a unique path of serving and following Christ, it can be so easy to lose focus on following Jesus.

Don't Worry

Friday Devotional - An Unexplainable Peace

This week I’ve had several talks with folks about a feel of darkness in the building. A lot of folks kind of down. It is that time of year, right? Dark, cold, gloomy…for some that is very hard. It sounds like “worry and anxiousness” is a big culprit for some. Anxiousness about the year, the country, the world in general. Life is kind of crazy.

Hope of Christmas

Friday Devotions – The Christ Candle

The final Advent candle is called the Christ candle. This candle is lit on Christmas Day and is a celebration of the Messiah being born. The white color of the candle represents His perfect and sinless nature. The lighting of this candle represents that the light of the world has entered the world through the birth of Christ in Bethlehem