Friday Devotional- Are Angels Real and Will I Become One?

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. In Acts 12:6-11 we see an angel being used to deliver Peter from captivity. He had been put in jail by Herod Agrippa, who intended to put him to death after the big feast. An amazing story of what prayer can do. Today we asked two questions:
1. What do we know from the Bible about Angels?
- Angels are described in brilliant detail. They are like a bright light, like burning coals encompassed by fire. They had faces like the sun, feet like pillars of fire, and were full of fiery majesty. They were like an army riding horses and chariots of fire, shooting forth or darting place to place like lightening, and radiating an overwhelming fire.
- Angels number in the millions- Deuteronomy 33:2, Psalm 68:17
- Angels were created before the universe- Job 38:1-7
- Angels were used to bring God’s messages- Revelation 14:6 and many more
- Angels, although spirit beings, sometimes appear as human- Genesis 18:2-15, Genesis 16:7-14, and many more
- Angels watch over us, guard and protect- 1 Kings 19:5-7
- Angels have ranks-
- Angels give glory to God- Revelation 4:8
- Jesus was made a little lower that the angels (rank) so he could suffer death- Hebrews 2:7-9
Basically, angels are remarkable and amazing creatures.
2. As believers, do we become angels when we go to heaven?
- No, we don’t. What?
- We are destined to become greater than angels according to the Bible- Hebrews 1, 1 Corinthians 6:3
- Angels are actually amazed by us, like we are of them-1 Peter 1:12
- Angels are astonished and moved by God’s plan for people.
- Angels are mesmerized and in awe of our potential.
- Angels marvel at our future.
- Someday, when our redemption is complete in Christ, we shall become greater than the angels- Zechariah 14:9-21
Acts 12 goes on to say that the angel, with all its glory and brightness, came to save Peter. We also find out, that the angel came while a bunch of people were praying for Peter’s release.
You and I are needed…right where we are. God chooses normal, unqualified, everyday sinners like you and I to show and tell others about Jesus. To be a difference maker for the Kingdom. To pray and be bold even if we’re not confident, or if we fumble over our words, or if we fear persecution from others. The Holy Spirit will help us use our own story to point people to Christ. To help our words become His. May we be evidence of a changed life wherever we are.