Friday Devotional - Blessings. . .

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Blessings. . .
Recently I attended the Pizza Ranch National Conference and my goal was to serve and be a blessing to those who were with me (my family) and to those who were in attendance (my fellow team members and our franchise community). To be completely honest, I had not specifically planned anything in particular, but I was praying and asking for God to show me His will in doing so. It was truly amazing how God flipped the script once I gave Him the reigns and allowed Him to lead. In fact, he used others throughout the week to be a blessing to me and allowed me to be blessed by others in the process of trying to be a blessing myself. God seemed to use my request and desire, to be a blessing to others, to help me realize and become more aware of how blessed I am. The quote “God blesses us so we can bless others” truly played out in my week and has carried over yet again in this current week following.
A perfect example of this was on Tuesday morning I was on my way into work and I felt a nudge to stop for a coffee. I decided to go with my nudge and as I pulled up to the drive through window I was told by the attendant that I had been “blessed” by the person in front of me with a free drink! God is amazing!
Be challenged this week to seek God’s direction in how you can bless others. Then be mindful and watchful in how He works to also bless you in the process😊
I want to leave you with a passage from Numbers and a powerful version of an amazing song that corresponds well to it.
Praying this blessing meets you where you are at and that you may draw from it in the upcoming days, months, and 2nd half of 2022!
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.