Friday Devotional - Esther

Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional - Esther

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday Devotional
Great example of God being present.

I just want to bring short word of encouragement to those that may not feel God’s presence. To those that may not feel like God is speaking directly to them or even listening to them.

The book of Esther is a great example of God being present even when it doesn’t seem like it. This book is the only book in the Bible where God is not directly mentioned. Even though He is not mentioned by name or even indirectly, his presence is evident everywhere.

Michael V. Fox wrote, “When we scrutinize the text of Esther for traces of God’s activity, we are doing what the author has made us do. The author would have us probe the events we witness in our own lives in the same way. He is teaching a theology of possibility. The willingness to face history with an openness to the possibility of divine providence, even when history seems to weigh against its likelihood, as it did in the dark days after Haman’s decree. In this way, the book offers a stance of profound faith” (Character and Ideology in the Book of Esther).

God is behind the scenes working everywhere throughout Esther, the downfall of Vashti, the rise of Esther, Mordecai’s discovery of the assassination plot, the short-lived exaltation of Haman, the insomnia of the king, the book read to the king reminding him of Mordecai’s heroics and the safeguarding of the Jewish people. This all reflects the providential design of God’s handiwork moving history towards His redemptive end.

Taking from Mr. Fox’s statement, one reason the author of Esther may have left out mentioning God from the text is so that we intentionally look for His evidence in the events happening throughout the story. This act of searching for God’s evidence, therefore, creates a healthy practice for us to do within our own lives. The times when we don’t feel like God is present, is when we need to take time to look and seek Him. This is when we will find evidence of God all around us. Sometimes it takes an intentional change in perspective when looking at past events for this to happen. Even in the face of great stress or painful circumstances, God is actively working behind the scenes to accomplish His good and perfect will. Proverbs 3:5-6 is one my favorite verses, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” We are called to trust God, even when we can’t see or understand what He is doing. This practice will deepen our faith in God and His redeeming works that He continues to do in this fallen world, still today.

This is a message I definitely need to hear and work on personally, hopefully it will encourage you as well. So often I want to have some “mountaintop” experience with God and while I know He can and does work that way, it doesn’t mean that’s how He always works. We need to remember to look for God everywhere, even in the circumstances that seem small, menial or even painful to us. God is with us always.
