Friday Devotional - Forgiveness

Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional - Forgiveness

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday Devotional

Asking God for forgiveness brings true joy. It brings real happiness and real relief from the heaviness that comes with sin. Sin can be a heavy weight to carry around.

(Psalm 32:1-7) says, “Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven, whose sin is covered, and whose sin does not count against them. When we keep silent about it our bones grow old, it’s heavy, we become dry inside. But when we acknowledge our sin to God, not trying to cover it up, and confess it. God freely forgives us of all our sin. Therefore, let us all pray, for we will be delivered.”

Results of going to God about our sin:

  1. Our sins will be forgiven
  2. Our sins will be covered…not seen anymore
  3. Our sins will not be ours anymore. They will be put on Christ
  4. Our spirit, the who we are, will be cleansed

Forgiveness of sins are also promised in (Ps. 86:5; Lk. 6:37; 1 Jn. 1:9)

Lord, may it be so.

Photo Credit: Brett Jordan via Unsplash
