Friday Devotional - From the Head to the Heart

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Our Vision Statement at Pizza Ranch is, “To glorify God by positively impacting the world.” This week during our devotion and prayer time we saw how the early church was trying to do the same thing and having great success. Miraculous signs and wonders were the norm, and more and more people believed. As a result, people began bringing the sick out to the streets to be healed. They believed that even the shadow of Peter could heal them. (Acts 5:12-16).
For many people, and I’ve experienced a few myself, something happens that changes the trajectory of their life; to bring a new level of faith. It might be an event that takes place. It could be a person who influences. It could be anything, even the shadow of Peter as he walks by like in our passage. For me, it was the example of a person that made me grab hold of my faith in a new and exciting way.
How about you? Did something change the trajectory of your faith, moving it from your head to your heart? The challenge for us every day is to recognize that we have the opportunity to influence the trajectory of a person’s day, week, and even their life by our witness.
God chooses normal, everyday sinners like you and me to tell and show others the way. He calls us to be bold even if we’re not confident, if we fumble over our words, or if we fear persecution from others. The Holy Spirit will help us to use our own story to point people to Christ. Our words become His.