Friday Devotional- God's Goodness

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Is God always good? YES!
How do we know? Read Jeremiah 32: 37-42
What does this passage tell us?
- God wants to be our God.
- God wants us to worship him. For our good and for the good of our descendants.
- God wants to give us good things.
- God finds joy in doing good for us.
- God also allows calamities.
- God gives us his peace during those times.
- God keeps his promises.
We also looked at a devotional from “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young – Key points:
- The more you know God the more you become convinced of his goodness
- Understanding will fail us at times, but trust will keep us close to God
- God gives us the gift of Peace
If your heart is troubled today, trust in God and dwell in his peace all day long.