Friday Devotional- Jesus in the Book of Micah

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

We’ve been working through the Old Testament looking for the New Testament Jesus hundreds, even thousands, of years before He was born. They’re all great stories on their own, but they absolutely paint a picture of who Jesus will be and what he’ll do for those who believe. Jesus claimed that the entire Old Testament pointed to Him (Luke 24:27; John 5:46). Since the Book of Micah is a part of the OT, let’s take a look to see how it points to Jesus.
Micah lived and the book was written 700 or so years before Jesus was born. The purpose of the book was to warn God’s people of coming judgement and to offer pardon to all who would repent.
The book talks of God’s hatred of sin as being real – burning, consuming, and destroying. He hates sin, and he stands as the righteous judge, ready to divvy out just punishment to all who defy his rule.
The book also talks of God’s love, how real it is. So real that he ends up sending His son, the Messiah, to save and accept judgement in the sinner’s place.
Micah presents this true picture of God as the Almighty Lord who hates sin and loves sinners. He provides countless opportunities to repent, to turn back to true worship and obedience.
Micah points to Jesus in this way:
There will be one who:
- Breaks open the way for deliverance (2:13)
- Will come from (born) Bethlehem (5:2)
- Will stand and shepherd His flock (5:4)
- His greatness will reach to the ends of the earth (5:4)
- Will include all people groups from all nations into His family (5:7-8)
- Will pardon the sins and forgive all the transgressions of His people (7:18-19)
Micah even goes so far as to tell us what he wants us to do with this information moving forward until Jesus comes again. He wants us “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (6:8)
Adapted from Life Application NIV Study Bible
Photo by Michaela Murphy on Unsplash