Friday Devotional - Splendor

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Today's guest speaker is Dean Kooima, and we thank you Dean for this wonderful message!
Today we focused on the word splendor. It is a word that we don’t hear much, and is reserved for something extraordinary. The definition of splendor is: magnificent and grandeur in appearance. In doing some research on the word in the Bible, it is really only used three times.
- The first is with King Solomon. He was given the choice of receiving anything he wanted and he chose wisdom. In return, God gave him much wisdom, but also blessed him with many riches. There are a few verses in the Bible which talk about the splendor of King Solomon.
- The second is when angels appear and the splendor surrounding them.
- The third is with God and His splendor. We see in the Bible how great God is and how we can’t even describe His splendor. If you read Revelations 20, it talks about the new Heaven and the new Earth and it talks about what the new Jerusalem looks like. We can’t even comprehend what this will look like. Isaiah 6 talks about the whole earth is filled with His glory and our response will be “Holy, Holy, Holy”!
We can see God’s splendor in His creation as well. Especially at Springtime, we see the Earth coming to life after Winter. The grass turns green, the flowers bloom, new life is all around us. We read Psalms 65 which gives us a very good glimpse of how God has blessed us and creates the Earth to reflect his splendor!