Friday Devotional – The Case For Jesus

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
- THE BIBLE: Most sold, celebrated, and debated manuscript in existence. The oldest and most reliable documents discovered. Continually transmitted accurately. The Bibles Old Testament points to the life of Christ. The New Testament is about the life, death , and resurrection of Christ. And all that comes with Him.
- SCRIPTURE: ***300 prophecies that came true in Jesus. Here’s just a few examples:
- To be born in Bethlehem, Micah 5:2.
- Mal. 3: A messenger before Him.
- Riding on donkey, Zech. 9:9.
- Zech. 13: Betrayed by friend, wounded in hands.
- Betrayal money to be used to buy potter’s field. Zech. 11.
- Betrayal price 30 pieces of silver.
- Isa. 53:7: Make no defense.
- Hands and feet pierced. Ps. 22:16.
- John the Baptist: John began pointing to Jesus before Jesus’ ministry started. Even before John was born he was testifying about Jesus. Jesus’ mother Mary visited Johns mother Elizabeth when they were both pregnant. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting…John jumped in her womb. He later, while referring to Jesus, testified that “There is one coming after me…”. When John saw Jesus he said, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world.” John believed, and was convinced, that Jesus was the lamb of God, and would take away all our sins. John, who was becoming very popular, also said that “He (Jesus) must increase, I must decrease.”
- JESUS: He lived a perfect life. He served others. He sacrificed. He did miracles like turning water into wine, walking on the water, multiplying bread and fish, and calming the storm. He also did many healings. He made the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, the withered whole, and the dead back to life. He forgave sins through his death and resurrection.
- THE HOLY SPIRIT: The reality and evidence of changed lives.