Friday Devotional - The Family of God

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Sometimes we just need to be encouraged and let the Word of God speak on its own. Here are just a few benefits of being a believer/follower of Jesus:
- God pursues us, wants us, and gives us relationship with Him, John 14: 23; 1 Jn 4:19; 1 Tim 2:3-4.
- God forgives all our sins, Eph 2:8-9.
- God adopts us into His family, Gal 4:5; Eph 1:5.
- God gives us purpose, Rom 8:28.
- God gives us His Holy Spirit as a help, as a companion, and power, Jn 16:13; Rom 8:26.
- God gives us an abundant life, John 10:10.
- God gives us a peace of mind, Phil 4:6-7.
- God gives us community and belonging, Acts 2:42.
- God gives us a hope for the future, 2 Cor 4:17.
- God knows our needs even before we ask Him, Matt 6:8.
- God hears our prayers, Phil 4:6-7; 1 Jn 5:14.
- God knows our name, Isa 43:1; Isa 45:1-7; Jn 10:3.
- God knows our thoughts, Ps 139:1-2; Rom 8:27-29.
- God sees each tear that falls from our eyes, Ps 56:8; 2 Kings 20:5.
- God knows the number of hairs on our head, Matt 10:26-31; Luke 12:7.
- God knows when we sit down or rise up, Ps 139:1-2.
- God says we don’t ever need to be anxious, Matt 6:25-34.
- God takes care of us, Isa 46:4, Ps 23; Phil 4;19.
- God says that everything else will fall into place, Matt 6:33.