Friday Devotional – Two Sides

Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional – Two Sides

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday Devotional
Two Sides Photo by Mario Dobelmann via Unsplash com

At work this week I’ve had three discussions about life. Great discussions about how life can be so up and down. It’s like there’s two opposing forces pulling on us. The happy, doing great vs the not so great, struggling. All can be of varying degrees. Can you relate to that?

The point today, is that there ARE two opposing forces. Something we’ve talked about for devotions before. I’m going to repeat it because It’s good for us to be reminded of and recognize what’s really going on. (John 10:9-11) gives us a glimpse of what Jesus saw as the two opposing forces that we deal with in life:

  1. “The thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.” Call it darkness, evil, sin, or Satan….but it leads to a way of Death. This force wants…
  • To steal our joy, time, and values.
  • To kill who we are, our reputation, and relationships,
  • To destroy human life, morals, and defenses.
  1. “I have come that they might have life.” Then there’s Jesus…who brings true life. Even during struggles and hardships. The Good Shepherd who wants us to have….
  • A life that’s fulfilling and abundant
  • A life that’s satisfying.
  • A life that overflows.

Nowhere in the Bible, or anywhere else does it say our lives will be easy. It doesn’t say that business will be easy either. There will always be things that bring us down. Keep looking to the one who fills those voids in our life. Look to the one who is the true source of healing, joy, and love. Our hope is found in Jesus.
