Friday Devotional – Where’s Your Identity Found?

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
Today we’re looking at the story of John the Baptist, as the Jewish leaders come to question his identity. They wanted to know if John claimed to be the Messiah, or was he one of the great prophets who was expected to return at the coming of the Messiah. I love how John answers. He knew exactly who he was…and who he wasn’t. His identity was found in Christ.
John had the answers for these men. There was no confusion for John. There was no mistaken identity. He was quick to say he was not the Christ, he was not Elijah, and he was not a prophet (1:19-21). He was also quick to say who he knew he was. He was a voice pointing to Jesus, one who baptizes with water, and one who saw himself as a slave to the Messiah (1:22-28).
How about us? Is our identity found in Christ? The confusion in life comes when we find our identity in other things. We lose our way. Things like our jobs, or our kids, or maybe in status. So often we get caught up in the world instead of who we are in Christ. Through John’s example, I believe that when we’re clear on who we are in Christ…we can better point others to Christ.
Here are a couple questions to ask ourselves: Who am I? Do I recognize my identity as an adopted child of God? Does my life point others to Christ by my witness and example?
I’m a disciple of Jesus Christ, cleverly disguised as a _______________.
May we be a voice of God’s love. May He also help us to be a faithful witness and point others to Christ. Just like John did.