Friday Devotional – Who is God?

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
I recently had a discussion with a few folks regarding the reasons Jesus came to earth. Great conversation. In our devotions today we see that one of those reasons was to help us see “The Father.” Jesus came to earth, according to John 1: 18, to make the Father known. Why? Why did He need to reveal the Father? It’s because we couldn’t see Him clearly. Although God is revealed is nature (General Revelation), nature’s witness is limited. Nature tells us that God is…but not what, or who He is. Nor does nature tell us how to know Him. Thus, in our quest for God, for truth, we tend to create our own concepts of God. Sometimes we still do, even as believers. So Jesus came to help us see the Father.
So what did Jesus reveal God the Father to be? What did we learn through the life of Jesus…through the Word (Special Revelation)?
- We learned that the Father is Loving. John 3: 16 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son.” That He wants us to experience and know love. He wants us to Love Him and others.
- We learned that the Father is Forgiving. God wants and desires to forgive us all our sins and shortcomings. That he wants to see us as “not guilty.” That He wants to see us through His son Jesus.
- We learned that the Father is Restoring. “That whosoever believeth in Him.” We were spiritually dead in our sins. God will continue to restore and grow us as long as we’re here on earth.
Thanks be to God. Because of this great truth, may we keep running to, submitting to, and serving Him.
(This devotional was adopted from a sermon found on Blue Letter Bible…from Chuck Smith)