Friday Devotional- LISTEN!

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. Today’s devotion picks up right after Saul, a man who had a dangerous reputation of persecution, was confronted by God in a blinding light. God tells him to go to Damascus and that someone would come and tell him what to do. A man named Ananias is sent by God to talk to Saul. Ananias hears and obeys God, even though he’s not too sure about it. (Acts 9:10-18).
We see many examples in Scripture of how God speaks to His people. It’s all over the place. He speaks through visions, dreams, His voice, people, circumstances, prayer, and the Word. Today’s story shows two men who hear and obey. It’s important for us to know that God continues to speak to us in 2019 as well, and that God speaks most clearly to us today through His Word, the Bible. It’s His special revelation to us. The problem is that we don’t always hear Him. There are just too many things that drown out His voice. I’m sure we can each see examples of that in our own lives, so it’s important for us to make time each day to find a quiet time to read His Word and listen. Take your time, meditate, let the Word of God touch your heart. What is God trying to tell you?
Listen to this: You and I are needed, right where we are. God chooses normal, unqualified, everyday sinners like you and me to tell and show others the way. To be a difference maker for the Kingdom. To be bold even if we’re not confident, or fumble over our words, or if we fear persecution from others. He’ll turn our tests into our testimony. The Holy Spirit will help us to use our own story to point people to Christ. To help our words become His. May we be evidence of a changed life here at work, in our own communities, and throughout the world.