Monday Mission - Abide

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Two weeks ago I attended a simulcast with a few team members where we focused our attention on this concept, Work as Worship. We want to close the gap between Sunday and Monday where so many people are unsure of how to live out their faith at work.
I want to focus us on the command God gives to abide in Christ in John 15: 1-17. God promises the Joy of Christ and that we bear much fruit, if we abide in Him. If you're like me, you had to google "abide" and you found that it means, "accept or act in accordance with".
So, how do we abide in Christ? Abiding in Christ isn't just for those with religious jobs, but for everyone regardless your work position. The details look different for everyone, but the focus is being intentional about spending time with Christ and with His people. Intentionally being kind, treating others with love (1 Corinthians 13), praying, and finding joy in those things are some of the ways that I abide in my work here at Pizza Ranch.
How do you abide in Christ?
Your Monday Mission is to think about how your work-week can look more like worship and to take the first step in making that happen.