Monday Mission - God's Creation

Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission - God's Creation

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday Mission

Have you ever taken a break from your fast-paced life to look around at what God has created? To be awed by God's creation, you don't have to go to the Grand Canyon or the Tropics at dusk to truly be in awe of God. I've been blessed with a child who adores bugs and the outdoors. Last summer we discovered a monarch caterpillar on our patio, so we created an enclosure for it to thrive. As the days passed, the butterfly built its own chrysalis, and after that, the caterpillar evolved into a beautiful butterfly in just a matter of weeks. We carefully dismantled the enclosure and let the butterfly fly away.

As we stood there watching this butterfly use its new wings to explore this new world, all I can do is just stand in awe of His creation. This week's challenge is to invest in some time to look at what God has created. In addition to the huge things that we can see, such as trees, the sun, and mountains, it is also important to look closely around and notice the small details. Once you do, you too will be amazed at what God has created.

To learn more about the butterfly and their incredible journey to Mexico, click the link

Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash
