Monday Mission – When We are Struggling

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
A friend of mine recently received some bad news that would affect their life in a very negative way. I was devastated, to say the least, to hear of this. I went for a walk – to get away and think through the situation in the quiet of the day rather than remain in the busyness of my day. As I was out walking, I heard some people around me talking about their day – and how something was bothering them. Their issue seemed simple and tiny compared to the news that I had just heard.
I cried, and tried to pray – but honestly I had a difficult time because I felt so distant from life and from God.
It was at this point that I realized that I was not alone – but that God is always with me. When I feel like He is far away – that is just the devil putting those lies into my head and heart.
Here are a few things to remember when you are struggling:
- God loves us and He will not leave us.
- The battle isn’t ours, but the battle belongs to the Lord – let Him do the fighting for you.
- Use your energy to dig into God’s Word and to be obedient to Him by doing so.
- The battle may be hard and long, but victory belongs to God!
- God is good all the time – when your circumstances are darker that you could have imagined, when people are not nice, when things seem hopeless – God is there, and He is good!
- God is good at being God. Don’t try to fix what He hasn’t assigned to you to fix. Don’t try to manipulate or control or spend all your time/emotions trying to figure it out. Let Him be God, and free yourself from this impossible assignment.