Friday Devotional - Stones

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
A few months ago our pastor talked about stones and having something to remind you of God's presence in our lives! He encouraged us to carry a stone in our pocket and when we feeling lost, needing comfort, remembering God's blessings to us we hold the stone for comfort. So I carry this small stone daily in my pocket and when I feel lost, stressed etc. I just reach in and hold the stone and can feel instant relief!
A few months later I read this devotional:
“2 friends were reading (Joshua 4:18-24) and after they read the devotional the friend reached in her pocket and brought out a small stone and says she carries it with here as a reminder to pause and reflect during the day, to give thanks to God for all the blessings she has received, to look past the mundane tasks and see afresh beauty in the moment, or to quiet her heart and catch a glimpse of God nearby. Whenever her friend grasps her small stone, it prompts her to stop and remember.”
Joshua 4:18-24 (link)
12 stones for the same purpose
Collected from the dry riverbed as they crossed the Jordan
Each stone represented a tribe of Israel, symbolizing the Israelite's deliverance from Egypt
I am also reminded of the rock pile outside our office and that is a place of peace and God’s faithfulness!