Stories of Impact – Various Locations

Stories of Impact – Various Locations

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday Stories of Impact

Fond-du-Lac-image-225x300.jpgIn many locations during the month of February, guests received a discount on their buffet with donation of a canned good.  Today we are highlighting three Pizza Ranch locations who gave back to their community through their local food banks…

The Emmetsburg Pizza Ranch gave out free pizzas as prizes to students of local high school class who collected the most donations for their food drive.  Additionally, the Pizza Ranch had a can drive to support the Upper Des Moines Outreach organization.

In Sheldon, General Manager Kirsten commented that her restaurant collected cans and dried foods and donated them to a local church to distribute in exchange for $1 off their buffet price.

Across the border to the east, our friends in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Pizza Ranch also decided to give guests $1 off a buffet for each item donated to the Fond du Lac.  They worked with the Fondy Food Pantry, a group who strives to be people who are “Fighting Hunger.  Feeding Hope” for people of central Wisconsin.  Last year, they served nearly 2900 meals to people of Fond du Lac county.  Pizza Ranch is happy to be a part of this!

These three restaurants made a choice to do something very simple that can benefit their immediate communities.  Thanks to manager Amy Martini in Emmetsburg, Kirsten in Sheldon, and Pahoua Thoa in Fond du Lac for their commitments to their towns.

