Thursday Thought - Why do we exist?

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Sometimes when I step back and think about life, it can seem sort of dull. Same old same old. And I think about how this huge earth is just spinning around in circles in this massive universe, and it's like...what am I supposed to do? What special thing am I supposed to be doing with my time? Do I have a plan in life?
Then I come back to Scripture, and the Bible says we are made and we are alive to worship God. And then I can read further about ways that I can worship God, and that becomes the structure for the answer to the question of "What am I supposed to be doing?"
Here are some ways I can worship God, which then gives my life a purpose:
- Feed the hungry.
- Give clothes to the naked.
- Sing songs of thankfulness to God for what He has given me.
- Volunteer at a local church (to help be the hands and feet of Christ) or give money to those who are doing the work of Christ.
- Read the Bible, which strengthens my relationship with God.
- Tell others about heaven, hell, how God created us and loves us, and how because of sin we are separated from God...BUT that He has made a way for us to be with him through His son Jesus Christ and Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.
- Help those who are injured or hurt.
- See the awesome things that God has done in nature around me.