Thursday Thought - We're Created to Work

Pizza Ranch Serves

Thursday Thought - We're Created to Work

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Thursday Thoughts
Laptop with image that says "Work hard anywhere"
Photo by Kevin Bhagat on Unsplash

I read a book recently, Garden City, by John Mark Comer, and was inspired by the message of how God created man and woman to work. Our modern day culture has us looking forward to the weekend or our next vacation or eventually retirement. But what if we're actually called to find joy in the work that we do each day? Not just for our own pleasure, but as a way to worship God. The creator of the universe worked, he created the world and everything in it. He was working even before sin entered the world. Makes sense then, that he created humans, in him image, to also work. Continue the work of creation that God started. Plant, grow, develop, invent, create. Wow! That sounds meaningful and exciting. Use the gifts and talents God has given you to make God's world better. To move it forward, to cultivate and discover. In Genesis 1:26-28, man is tasked with reigning over the earth, and also commanded to fill the earth and govern it. Reigning, filling, governing, these things are work and that's what God intends for us to do. Be his partners in creating and developing the world past it's early "Garden of Eden" days. In Genesis 2:4-8, we read about how God created Adam and placed him in a garden.

Where has God placed you? What are you called to grow and cultivate? Are you busy working in the workplace, raising children at home, volunteering for a worthy cause? The work we do here on Earth matters to God, probably more than we realize. May all the work you do glorify God today and every day.
