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Today's Post

Thursday Thoughts - Immeasurably More

In my earlier years I struggled with feeling a weight of responsibility for not only my own faith, but also that of my family and my friends. In many ways I tried to control and push my thoughts and agenda their way to "encourage" them to be how I thought they should be according to my narrow view of God.

Thursday Thought – Princes & Princesses

I was talking with one of my friends about how I had always kind of resented the idea of calling little girls princesses because princesses aren’t that special. Princesses didn’t do anything to earn their title or their privilege, they were just born into a lucky position and praised for it. My friend then humbled me with an amazing response....

Thursday Thought – Where does your beauty come from?

One of the plants I keep at my office desk is a vine-like plant called Alternanthera Ficoidea. If you are not a plant person, let me introduce you to the plant’s common nickname – Joseph’s Coat. The plant received the nickname Joseph’s Coat by scientists and plant lovers alike because while it is a green vine-like plant, when exposed to proper sunlight it can grow to display, purple, pink, orange, or red in its leaves depending on the plant’s subspecies. But the beauty of this plant only comes out when it spends time in the sunlight. This got me thinking about a famous quote by C.S. Lewis: