Thursday Thoughts- A Den of Lions

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

For the first day of school, my son was asked to share some things about himself so his teacher could get to know him. His favorite food. A hobby he enjoys. And among the other things, his favorite Bible verse or story. Without hesitation he told me "Daniel in the lion's den!" So that got us thinking about what it may have been like for Daniel to experience such persecution, but also live through an incredible miracle like being spared from harm in a den of lions.
Have you ever put yourself in Daniel's place in this story? How would you have reacted to the king's decree? What would you have said to God? How would you have felt after the stone was rolled in front of the mouth of the den? What would your first response be when you were taken from the den after surviving?
If you need a refresher, read about it in Daniel 6 and spark a conversation about this story with someone else.