Thursday Thoughts - Consoling the Heart of Jesus

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Reflecting on this past week, what do all our conversations have in common with one another?
Mission Monday was about unspoken prayers and having the bravery to speak out loud what you see on both the outside and inside that reflects the glory of God.
Tuesday Truths was about nobody being out of the sight of God or the grasp of His hand.
Stories of Impact Wednesday was about our volunteer experience and my own personal experience volunteering at Wildwood Hills Ranch.
The common thread woven throughout is that of being seen by God, and seeing God, that we may see others and see Him in others.
Therefore, brethren, I encourage you to ask for the eyes to see, ears to hear and heart that seeks His glory.
Photo taken by Tricia in California.