Thursday Thoughts - Core Group

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
Jesus' life provides countless examples of how we should live and act. The focus of today is on his relationships with others. Jesus cared for all - taught large crowds and healed many, Jesus had a small group of closer friends and followers - his disciples, Jesus also had a core group within the disciples - Peter, James, and John.
One example of this is found in Matthew 17. Jesus went up a high amount and brought along Peter, James, and John. Before them, Jesus was transfigured and shone like the sun and met with Moses and Elijah.
A second example is from Mark 5 where Jesus raised a little girl from the dead. Jesus did not let anyone else follow but brought along Peter, James, and John.
It is important to be helpful to all, but it is also very important to have a core group of close friends for support, accountability, and to share life with. Reminder to pour into and be refreshed by others and to continually cultivate healthy friendships.
Photo by Ruan Richard Rodrigues on Unsplash