Thursday Thoughts- How can we serve like Jesus?

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Jesus is the Savior of mankind. He is the Son of God, sent to earth to live a sinless life, die on a cross, was resurrected from the dead, and is seated at the right hand of God. That is truth and there is no better example of serving others than that. If you don't have faith in Jesus, or your faith has become weakened please send in a prayer request and we would be honored to pray for you.
In addition to that perfect example of service, Jesus taught and showed service in other ways on earth. You can see some of those by checking yesterday's blog post. But here are some real life applications to how we can live that out today, and Bible verses to support it. Click the RED highlighted words in parenthesis to ready the Bible verses) :
- Partner with a local food shelf or school lunch/after school meal program. The food/money that you donate to local organizations usually goes directly to the people in need, and there is not a lot of overhead costs that your donations would go to. (Teaching about feeding the hungry & Jesus feeding the hungry)
- You can give money to the poor and needy. This can be done by giving to directly to the homeless, or you can reach out to local, regional, national, or global organizations that help people with financial hardships or burdens. Be sure to ask them about what percentage of your financial donation is used for general operational/overhead expenses compared to what gets in the hands of those who need it. (Teaching about giving money to the poor).
- Give coats, boots, shoes, clothing to people who need it. Many kids in America and around the world need clothing for the cold winter months. Many people don't have proper fitting footwear or any footwear to get through the day. You can donate these things with most large charity organizations, or find one local by simply Google searching it. (Giving clothes to those who need it).
- Prison Fellowship Ministries (https://www.prisonfellowship.o...) and other local/state/national organizations are setup to help be a light to people incarcerated. Showing love and not being ashamed of those incarcerated are those who are socially "unacceptable" are ways to serve others and bless God. (Visiting prisoners & Connecting with those in chains).
- Bring the Gospel message of Jesus Christ as Savior to those who have not put their faith in Him. Yes, one day we will all die. Life on earth is fleeting. God made us to live WITH Him, not apart from Him. In His grace, patience, forgiveness, and love He made a way for us to live our earthly days in a relationship with Him so that we can than live our eternal lives with Him too. But if a person does not know God exists, does not know that He created us and loves us, and does not know that He has made a way for us to be forgiven for our sins before a holy and righteous God...then how can they put their faith in Him? Therefore, be the bringer of good news. Or support your local churches financially as they go about bringing the Gospel message to their communities and missionaries. You can support missionaries with necessary financial resources for them to live and bring the Gospel message. You can support organizations like Bible League International (, The Gideons International (, or any other Christian evangelism organization that partners with other missionaries and evangelists who are bringing the Gospel to people across the world. (Bringing the good news of the Gospel).