Thursday Video - Passion

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Even you have never seen "The Greatest Showman" starring Hugh Jackman (you should), this video clip is a great example of having passion.
A day before they were scheduled to read through "The Greatest Showman" in front of the Fox Executives, Jackman had a procedure done to his nose where he told by doctors that he wasn't allowed to sing. On the day of the read through, Jackman stood up front and made it clear he would be singing and acting once he was well enough to sing. Jackman stood silent throughout the entire reading, until they got to the last number entitled "From Now On". Watch the video to see how Jackman reacts.
Think about what drives you in life. Are there things in your life that would make you want to sing when you're told you shouldn't, but you just can't help it? What passions do you have in life?