Wednesday Story of Impact - Oelwein Pizza Ranch

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Brandy Hershey and her team at the Oelwein Pizza Ranch have built a lasting relationship with a few of their guests.
Three guests, Jim, Deanna and Rosie (Jim's sister), drive over 60 miles every other week just to visit Brandy and her team at the Oelwein Pizza Ranch. Though there are other Pizza Ranch locations closer, Jim, Deanna and Rosie, prefer to make the trek to the Oelwein location.
"We appreciate being greeted as family in addition to the great food, "said Deanna. "The staff always responds promptly to our suggestions and requests."
"All of us here at the Oelwein Pizza Ranch enjoy when Jim, Deanna and Rosie come around," said GM Brandy Hershey. "We look forward to a lasting relationship."