Tuesday Truth- Proverbs 13:22

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Proverbs 13:22- "A good man leaves his inheritance to his children's children."
This verse talks about inheritance. What is inheritance? Most of us think of finances that are left to us when our parents pass away, but it is so much more than that. It also includes how we're raised, positive and negative mindsets, religious beliefs, physical genetic traits, personalities, etc.
I've had some issues with my heart in the past few years and my mindset has always been, I was born with this. I can't do much about it because I was born with this.. The truth is there is a lot I can do, but changing my mind set and eliminating negative thinking was a starting point for me.
If you have something that you feel you've inherited that's of a poor mindset, it's time to change your mindset for the positive. Let your children's children inherit that positive mindset from you. Be the one to change the cycle starting today.