Tuesday Truth- Start Your Day with God

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

So often God reveals himself to us, but we are too distracted to notice.
This morning my heart and mind are racing from thought to thought. Remember to pack swim towels. Fill the dog's water one more time before we leave the house. Did I remember to do everything I wanted at work yesterday? I should check my emails again just to be sure.
It's in these moments that pray or stop and listen are long forgotten. While God uses big things to put us in the right frame of mind to listen to him, it's His quiet voice that may not be heard in the everyday.
Don't let this be you too. Setting aside specific time for prayer and reading your Bible is one of a few ways that can help combat these thoughts and opens your ears to God. Since I'm a list kind of gal, this is one of the first things on my daily to-do.
I take a deep breath and open up my Bible app. Things are already looking better and I'm on a much better track to start my day.
Join me in saying NO to distractions and saying YES to devoted time in prayer.