Tuesday Truth - The Resistance Secret

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Why does someone lift weights? To become stronger. How does that occur? Through the principle of resistance. The same is with God. God calls each of us to grow. To grow in faith, righteousness, love, joy, hope, patience, peace, perseverance, godliness. What makes us grow in these traits? Resistance. The resistance comes from whatever goes against that which much grow stronger. When it’s hardest to love, and you love regardless, your love grows stronger. When your circumstances are not conducive to joy, but you rejoice anyway, your joy increases. When it’s hardest to do what is right, but you do it anyway, when it’s hardest to hope, but you hope anyway, when it’s hardest to be holy, but you turn down what is not holy, when you feel like giving up, but you keep going, and when hell comes against you but you shine with the light of heaven, that’s when you grow stronger in God and in all these things. So don’t despise the resistance but give thanks for it and make the most of it.
-taken from The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn