Tuesday Truth – You have work to do in waiting.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

This week we are looking at verses in the Bible that offer encouragement in waiting. Often waiting can be frustrating or confusing. As we talked about yesterday, God has a reason for bringing us through every season of our lives, including season of waiting. But why? What good can be done in the waiting?
Genesis 39 – 41 gives us a beautiful example of how God can use individuals in a time of waiting through a man called Joseph. When we find Joseph in Genesis 39 he had just been sold into slavery by his own brothers and brought down to Egypt. In Egypt, Joseph was enslaved to a man named Potiphar. Joseph worked hard for Potiphar, and the Lord blessed Joeseph’s work. Soon Potiphar placed Joseph in charge of his entire estate. Read until the end of the chapter and you will find that Joseph was falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and thrown in prison.
I would say it is safe to consider being unjustly thrown in prison a season of waiting. But what did Joseph do in this time of waiting? Verses 21-23 inform us that Joseph worked hard in the jail and the Lord blessed his work. The jailer put him in charge of all the other prisoners and all the responsibilities of the jail. Later in chapter 40 we learn how Joseph used his God-given gift of interpreting dreams to help two of the king’s servants who were in prison. Interpreting those dreams eventually lead to Joseph interpreting dreams for the Pharaoh, and his eventual release from prison (Chapter 41).
What lessons and encouragement can we learn about waiting from Joseph?
- God has called you to work. Joseph did not sit idle when he was enslaved to Potiphar or falsely imprisoned. No, he worked hard, and God blessed his work - even in a time of waiting. Even if you are not where you hoped to be, God has given you work to do here and now.
- God has given you gifts to be used right now. God gave Joseph the ability to interpret dreams and expected him to use those gifts in every season of his life. In fact, it was because Joseph used his gifts for God in a season of waiting that ultimately led to events that freed him from prison. God has given you gifts and talents to use too! If God has given you a passion and love for young children, don’t wait to become a parent to use those gifts. Volunteer in nursery, babysit for a couple that needs a date night, get involved in children’s church, ect. There are so many ways to use those gifts and passions even if you aren’t yet a parent!
- Stay faithful to the Lord. Joseph was sold by his own brothers into slavery. Then he was falsely accused and imprisoned. But Joseph didn’t give up hope and get mad at God for his hardships. No, instead he faithfully served God through the trials and waiting. Even if your life doesn’t look how you envisioned it, and you are waiting for the next steps, stay faithful to the Lord in all you do.
Photo by Ye Jinghan on Unsplash