Tuesday Truths - Thankfulness abounds!

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Content Provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer
I’m so grateful to be able to contribute to PR serves and was especially excited to contribute on the week of the Thanksgiving holiday. However, I really was challenged with finding inspiration….so, I leaned into my Pizza Ranch Family, and asked several people to share what they were most thankful for this holiday season.
The responses I received truly made me realize what an incredible team we are at Pizza Ranch.
So, this year I’m most thankful for the wonderful people I work with- you truly make every day a blessing. I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did! More to come later this week!
“I am thankful for my family, and having a roof over my head, and a full heart and pantry.”
“ A sturdy home to keep me from all that blowing wind outside.”
“I am thankful for my family” (I received this reply from 3 different people!)
“I am thankful for the health of my family, friends, and fur-kids. Thankful to be here at my 11th Thanksgiving of cancer survivorship. And of course, red lipstick.”
“Many things! My wife being my best friend and an amazing mother!”
“My family, the people I get to work with in two years of sobriety”
“A few different options in case you need variety. 😊 My family & friends, My faith, Makeup so I don’t look like the crypt keeper, Chocolate & coffee, Living in a safe neighborhood and Music”
“God’s faithfulness and provision.”
“I am Thankful for all those around me. Those that I have the pleasure to work with every day and continue to raise the bar making me better in what I do. My family that is always there to pick me up when we are down and share the love that makes our hearts warm. The many people in our lives that we meet every day and share a laugh with. And most of all for the love that our Savior pours on us to pass on to all in the world.”
“Great teammates, that give a hoot!”