Wednesday Stories of Impact - Act of Kindness

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Letter: Kindness to strangers will not be forgotten
It was a difficult day for my terminally ill father in the Rochester hospital, as he hadn't been eating well for quite some time, but he decided Pizza Ranch chicken (his favorite food) sounded very good. So I traveled to the Pizza Ranch in Stewartville to pick up a chicken dinner for him and my mom to relish, but it turned out to be a much different trip than I had anticipated.
Upon ordering my food, I explained that this was a meal for someone in the hospital. A couple and their two children behind me in line overheard my conversation and offered to pay for this meal. They also expressed their best wishes for my father, which touched my heart greatly.
But this positive chain of events didn't stop there. The staff at Pizza Ranch then gave this young family their own meals free of charge, and when I received my father's packaged food, the staff person informed me the owner had added extra pieces of chicken for my dad to savor.
They say there is so little good in the world these days, but I certainly didn't find this to be so on Sunday, Nov. 26, in Stewartville, Minn. Quite the contrary!
My thanks to the many kind people in the world whose caring hearts reach out to total strangers in their time of need….your kindnesses will not be forgotten.
Dawn Braund
From PostBulletin