Wednesday Stories of Impact - Springfield IL

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

A few weeks ago Pizza Ranch had a drawing for $250 gift between all the locations. This week picked randomly was Springfield IL.
We reached out to Victoria the General Manager and she was really down because of all that is happening in the world right now. We talked for a bit and then mentioned that her location was chosen for the weekly survey winner to brighten her day a little, this made her happy.
But what the story is really about is the person who won the gift card. Victoria told me that Karen is a giver, she is someone who is always giving back to her community, in fact Karen had just purchased Pizza Ranch gift cards to pass out to people in need and also Victoria just adores her!
Victoria went on to say that she appreciated the good news about the winner as it was a light on a very dim day.
Karen thank you for your service from the heart attitude may we all be more like you!
Blessings from your Pizza Ranch Family