Wednesday Story of Impact - Rock Rapids Support

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

The Rock Rapids Pizza Ranch is doing their part to serve and support their small-town community.
A fire that completely devastated a home and tragically took the life of a 9-year old girl has left the family to pick up the pieces and start over. The Rock Rapids Pizza Ranch has opened their doors for people to bring in donations for the family - anything from clothes, to gift cards and money.
"This family is living what is literally my greatest fear of losing a child in a house fire. I can't imagine," said Amber Noteboom, wife of store owner Schuyler Noteboom. "Only the support of community and the knowledge of the grace of God can help a person live through it."
Link to the story: