Wednesday Story of Impact - Rhinelander

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
On Sunday, May 12 a fire started at a Trig's baking and trucking facility in Rhinelander, WI where at least 8 fire departments were called in to extinguish the flames. The cause of the fire is still unknown, but no injuries were reported.
The Little Rice ECU (Emergency Service Canteen Unit) brought in water and snacks to the crews as they worked to put out the flames, but Franchisee's Cory and Bill Hoffman felt the firefighters needing something more.
The Hoffman's, both retired fire fighters, got into the kitchen right away and fired up the pizza ovens and brought over hot pizza and chicken to the firefighters.
"We know what it's like and we knew they were going to need something more of substance," said Cory Hoffman.
Even today, the Rhinelander location has firefighters coming from all over - as far as an hour away - just to eat at their location and say, "thank you".
"That's advertising you can't pay for," added Cory.