Friday Devotional - Don't be the Weeds

Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional - Don't be the Weeds

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday Devotional
Evgeniy kletsov q S6 A5 FC Pm Sg unsplash

We can’t make a garden grow, but we can definitely be the reason it doesn’t grow!

-lack of water

-too much water

-too much sun

-not enough sun, etc.

Same goes for community! The Holy Spirit does the work. We are just instruments. The Holy Spirit makes a community or relationship truly grow. We can still be the reason that a community or relationship doesn’t grow though!

-Toxic relationships

-Constant arguing/debating

-Talking behind other’s backs


Don’t be the weeds of your territory. Spread love, let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

Everyone needs community.

-We need each other

-We need to be seen

-We want to be known and loved.

Be that person to others! Show love!

Read Colossians 1 – The Son of God holds all things together. Trust Him to perform miraculous things.

Read Ephesians 4 – Be humble and gentle, keep the unity of peace! God who is over all and through all and in all will grow your seeds into trees!

Maintain the unity. Stick together. Show others we are Christians by our love. Let God do the works in others, but don't prevent the community and God's kingdom from growing.

Image by Evgeniy Kletsov via
