Friday Devotional - Don't Give Up!

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Friday Devotional - Don't Give Up!

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday Devotional
Flat surface with a world map laid out and upside down scrabble tiles spread across the area. in the middle of the tiles is a hand overturning tiles to spell the word hope.

In my devotions yesterday I was reading out of Psalm 2. It talks about the coming Messiah and what God sees. It was written over 2000 years ago and seems even more relevant today than in Bible times.

This passage tells us that God sees people…kings, rulers, believers, and non-believers. He sees many that, like a mob who gnash their teeth, set themselves up against God. He sees them rage. He sees people collaborating against God and the Messiah. And He sees people encouraging each other to get rid of God and the Messiah. We see this in our world now more than ever.

The passage also talks about some things that can be done to get back on track, to make a difference. There’s still hope for the world, our country and for us. Don’t give up! God wants us to do everything we can to be wise, to keep learning and being instructed, to Love and serve the Lord and others, and to be subject to God as we impact those around us. Keep making a difference.

May we each heed to the words of Psalm 2 and claim and press into verse 12, the blessings that are available for all who put their trust in the Lord.

Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash
